Click, press, enter, etc..... The Archway

Year after year beheld the silent toil
That spread his lustrous coil;
Still, as the spiral grew,
He left the past year's dwelling for the new,
Stole with soft step its shining archway through...

The Chambered Nautilus
by, Oliver Wendell Holmes

Hey There! This is my page for all of my sites. They're all gathered in one page, so if I forget the URL, or someone wants multiple URLs of my sites, I'll just give them this one. Have fun!

~Jena Designs: Full of dolls and websets. I take doll and set requests too. Used to be called Jen's Junk.

~Wistful: About books and my interests mainly. And authors like Tamora Pierce and Diana Wynne Jones.

~Inhabitants of Middle Earth: Hehe, guide to Middle Earth characters. It's purty, but I'm still workin on it.

~Graceful Glen: A site with all my pictures from different internet groups I was/am a part of.

~Fantasyland RPG: An RPG place (Role Playing Game). Lots of fun, plz join!!!

~Good Movies: In my opinion, the best movies, my reviews, and information about them.

© Jena A. 2002 and beyond